The Federal Reserve needs to lay off 30,000 employees. That would just about put them out of business. Which is exactly what needs to occur. One way or the other.

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As I mentioned previously, banks are bleeding money and trying desperately to stave off a collapse by closing branches and cutting costs.

No matter how many times Ole Joe says that Bidenomics is successful, every other indicator is screaming that our economy will collapse. He can't talk his way out of what's coming.

When I try to discuss the economy with people, they are blissfully ignorant and determined to stay that way. It won't stave off the inevitable - nothing will. Denial - it's not just another river in Egypt.

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He might be trying to convince himself. If you don't look at the train, it won't hit you.

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Are we going there ?

Weimar Germany’s completely un-necessary collapse into hyperinflation and chaos during the period of 1919-1923.

1920 to 1923 the Weimar Germany paper money supply in circulation skyrocketed from 68.1 marks to 496.6 QQQuintillion marks.

In 1922, 300 marks exchanged $1 US and in 1923, it took 42 Trillion marks to get $1 US!


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So glad I've got my notgeld, it will come in handy, if no one will take my 50 trillion marks notes.

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