As I have stated previously, our country is In an extraordinary state of oblivion. No one that I know is even remotely aware of the dire situation our country is in. I believe it's just easier for most people these days to ignore what's going on and hope that somehow it will just go away on its own. My mother grew up during the great depression, so I know better. She told me about working for a wealthy family for room and board, plus a dollar a week. She was grateful to have that.

I believe with all my heart that that's exactly where we are headed inthe very near future .

I pulled all of my money out of the stock market and put it into a silver IRA. If that saves me, great. If not, I will go to be with my Lord and Savior. Either way, I will be just fine.

Thanks Michael for trying to send out the alarm. Unfortunately, it seems to be falling on deaf ears.

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The gross stupidity of M Snyder and his clueless dupes who seek Brownie Points" from their GAWD by condemning me like some Jew Pharisee.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Theodora was the daughter of a bear tamer from the Constantinople circus that had climbed the social ladder and ended his career as a bartender at the hippodrome. Theodora used a woman's oldest weapon to follow her father up through the layers of the Roman society. From being a young and beautiful prostitute, whose services were happily sought by the aristocracy, she soon advanced to what we may call a call-girl or an escort.

Hacebolus, the young governor of Pentapolis, fell for her charm and took Theodora with him to North Africa. But she abused the governor's trust and, at the people's cost, amassed great riches. When, in her greed, she overstepped the mark and Hacebolus was overwhelmed with complaints, he threw Theodora out of his palace and confiscated all her goods. At the gates of Alexandria, she was taken in by a hermit named Eutyches, who had originated Monophysitism and was now living out his exile there. Later, Theodora would remember this fallen monk and use him to carry out her plans.

Back in Constantinople, she purposefully fought her way up to the top of society; first by becoming one of Crown Prince Justinian 1's concubines, then his favourite concubine and in 523, his wife. The 21 years older Theodora had finally managed to seduce the then 41 years old crown prince to fall in love with her and marry her. Many historians would have it that she had greater capabilities as a politician than her husband. Four years later, the couple assumed the highest position of power in the secular world: The imperial crown.

However, Empress Theodora was still not satisfied. Her burning ambition pushed her ever further towards the final step that now remained to be climbed: Her own deification. Only then would she be equal with the Caesars of old. It wasn't really that long since the Roman Emperors were automatically deified and received a place of worship in the temple halls. But Christianity had brought an end to this custom. And it was precisely on this point that the biblically recognised doctrine of reincarnation provided a stumbling block: For how could a woman enter eternity as a goddess when everyone was supposed to be reborn? What could prevent the errant empress from being reborn as a completely normal person - even as a simple beggar? Theodora knew that as long as reincarnation was anchored fast in Christian consciousness, the people would never accept her as a goddess. And so, the doctrine of reincarnation had to be completely blotted out.

Theodora selected the Monophysitist monks, who were soon to be pardoned from their excommunications, as her useful helpers. They were to ensure that every trace of reincarnation disappeared completely from all church documents. You might think - and rightfully so - that such a request wouldn't be possible on a practical level alone. But Theodora had spread her own network of agents over the entire empire and made sure that her preferred monks little by little took over the leadership of the Church. And the entire power of the Byzantine Empire was at her service, for Justinian had already become her willing tool.

In order to accomplish her plans, Theodora first had to bring the Western Church under her control. Flavius Belisarius' armies helped her in this by securing Byzantine influence in Rome and enabling Theodora's perfidy of deposing the Pope. One of the empress' favourites then assumed the position.

After she had thus dispensed with the opposition of the Western Church, Theodora concentrated once again on Constantinople and, with the help of another puppet, Patriarch Mennas, she convened the Synod of the Eastern Church of Constantinople in 543. This council revoked the condemnation of Monophysitism as well as the affirmation of reincarnation, which was the first deathblow to this doctrine. The synod, however, was not binding for the almost 3,000 bishops spread across the Empire. And so, a council was called to sanction the decisions. Invitations were sent to all bishops, but they were written so that one could hope that none of the bishops of the Western Church would participate. Pope Virgilius, Theodora's accomplice, condemned the letters in the harshest terms and thereby strengthened the resolve of many bishops to not attend.

The 87 years old Empress Theodora died of what modern researchers believe to be a cancer-like disease in 548 and the last thing she accomplished was to prevent her husband from implementing a large-scale persecution of the Egyptian Monophysites.

In the middle of the 500s, a capital punishment was introduced for 'pagans' and 'heretics'. Justinian destroyed everything that went against the orthodox doctrines and he introduced the tradition of burning heretics at the stake. The emperor also called the Council of Constantinople in 553 without consulting the Pope. His deceased wife had come from a poor background and worked her way up through the system. When she became empress, she had five hundred of her former colleagues tortured and executed as part of a plan to show the imperial couple's new high morals against sinful and secular activities. Since she believed that 'all personal suffering comes as a consequence of reincarnation', she put everything into having it abolished, because she was sure that she would be cleared of all sin when this doctrine was declared as 'heretical'. By then, she had probably given up the attempt to become deified, so the argumentation to end the reincarnation doctrines had to be altered. Thus, it was to honor his wife's last wish that Justinian vetoed reincarnation at the council. The imperial couple had also long wanted to deprive the Pope of his power as the top leader of Christendom. As a consequence, only 10 of the 165 bishops that attended the synod came from the western part of the empire and therefore were under the influence of Rome. The others boycotted the meeting. The eastern bishops can almost be described as 'feudal vassals' that had no ability to resist the pressure that the emperor exposed them to. Therefore, one cannot say that Christianity has ever abolished the doctrine of reincarnation in a formally correct and democratic way.

The Church also removed all books - and destroyed many documents and records - that disputed the radical changes in Christian doctrines. Many of the scriptures that the councils rejected, however, found their way to the Apocrypha, which the Church now claims has 'a dubious origin'. Some of the material was discarded for obvious reasons. But other apocryphal writings were rejected simply because they disputed 'the official Church version of Jesus' life'. These contrasting details give a very different picture of Jesus than the one that we find in the official version of the Bible.

The doctrine of reincarnation was thus banished because it gives power and authority to the people. Reincarnation contradicted the aspirations of a few bishops and deacons, who felt they alone should dispense the truth to the multitudes. This authoritarian strangle-hold is strengthened by the doctrine of 'one chance - one life', because a person that chose to think for themselves - and thereby dismissed the authority of the hierarchy - would not get another chance to put things right if they chose wrongly. The position of the hierarchy is that eternal damnation without parole would be the irrevocable fate of those that dared question the clerical hierarchy's authority.

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For intelligent people only.

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There are a few intelligent people around

Mark C liked your comment on The Storm Before The Storm.

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Famine is coming. RAW MEAT CANNIBALISM IS COMING. Never forget your Jesus practiced this on his disciples when he said, "Take eat this is my body......." and take drink this is my blood." Sounds like some cheap Jew Hollywood horror movie doesn't it? Your non-historical Jesus could not save himself from being a blood lust atonement for his virgin raping daddy, Gawd. No Jewish marriage even no breaking of the cup. Then he played one of the first Zombie movie parts when wing wearing angels sprung him from his grave and then they had dead bodies rising out cemeteries for an extra thrill. Keep those shirt tailed preachers living in a bigger house than you with an increased donation in the plate on Sunday. The price of your chains is increasing

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This country has become very prideful and self-sufficient. We have made self as gods and forgotten the one true God. There is a price to pay for that, we are in the beginning process of being humbled as a country. Having to be made to be humble can be quite painful. We best be getting our knee pads ready, for we will be kneeling in prayer more and more to humbly and sincerely beg the only One true God who can get us through the hard days ahead.

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The twelve (12) repetitive comments from Joe Smith (below) reminded me of:

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly". — Proverbs 26:11

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Does anyone think Biden's fall in the first day of June (sodomite month) was just a coincidence??? It might be a sign from God of things to come!! God will not be mocked!!

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Political Capitalism:

Political Capitalism is a recent political economy theory brought forth by Randall G. Holcombe in his book Political Capitalism (2018). Holcombe posits that “Political Capitalism” explains that what people often view as the results of political corruption and unethical/illegal governmental behavior, are in fact symptoms of a distinct system of a new political economy. The symptoms of Political Capitalism are often mistakenly viewed as the result of government intervention in a market economy, or as normal attributes of a capitalist economy itself. Holcombe combines well-established theories in economics and the social sciences to show that political capitalism is not a mixed economy, or government intervention in a market economy, or some intermediate step between capitalism and socialism.

Holcombe uncovers a new political economy:

The 'mixed economic systems' of the United States and Western Europe once combined market-based institutions operating, to greater or lesser extents, under public-sector control. Randall G. Holcombe's Political Capitalism documents the morphing of 'mixed' into 'crony'. Like Joseph Schumpeter before him, he warns that capitalism may not survive in a democracy after private business owners realize they can buy protection from pitiless competitive market forces, from unethical public officials; who, to advance their own political careers, are only too happy to exercise the state's coercive powers on behalf of the capitalists' interests.

Holcombe presents Political Capitalism as the cause for the cronyism and corporatism since TARP in 2009 under Barack Hussein Obama. Holcombe illuminates the fact that robust free and open markets, (the engines of prosperity), are transformed by “Political Capitalism” into a stagnant and politically corrupt national socialism. Holcombe uses the theories of rent-seeking, regulatory capture, interest group politics, and elite theory and shows how they explain Political Capitalism.

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