“Elections have consequences and STOLEN election have CATASTROPHIC consequences!”

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

I have been reading 2 books detailing the illegalities in the 2020 stolen election. I am just amazed at how much fraud went on. I don't know how anyone can seriously say the 2020 election was the most secure presidential election in history. I just hope they can do more to stop the vote stealing in the 2024 election.

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At this point, it does not matter, even Trump can not stop what is coming. I believe something is going to break open before the Nov. elections and we could very well have martial law.

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I hate to say it, but there’s a part of me that will be surprised if we do have an election this November. I hate that I go down these rabbit holes and get cynical and dark - but it seems like the uni party will do anything to make sure Trump isn’t elected again.

I live in one of the states that had the ballot dumps in 2020. Between that and the fact that my husband is in network security - there are just a lot of reasons to believe that the election was and should have been declared invalid. Electronic voting has been the cause of problems in elections prior to 2020 and they didn’t just magically solve themselves in 2020. It’s been a hot topic in his industry for years. He finds it amazing that it hasn’t been a hot topic since 2020. Hmmmm…..but after 2016 (and before) - it was all the rage to ask questions and talk about the vulnerabilities of these systems. The problems are still there, but it’s taboo to bring up the topic now.

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many have lost confidence in the election process! Was it the Collin’s bro’s some decades past exposed the whole sham of it all ?

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Don't worry, this is how God brings down decadent, evil empires that have forsaken Him. Job 12:23 and Psalm 9:17 kjv under way.

Do you really think an election will change His plans ????

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Chinese spy balloon over our military bases. Russian warships off our southern coast. Biden does not care. Just give the senile fool his ice cream cones and young girls to sniff. Where is the FBI and CIA? Oh, they're busy spying on conservatives, school parents and pro-lifers. Then, where is our military? Oh, they're busy painting their nails and getting ready for sex change operations. Well, where is the uproar or the demonstrations of the American citizens? I guess they're too busy getting high, watching porn or exhausting their credit cards on useless, glittering Chinese junk.

How much longer will the United State exist?

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And who is the “evil empire” ? Your list of u.s. pastimes sounds to be just what one would be absorbed in.

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You say everybody is sleeping. We on this board are not. Perhaps you might tell us what we need to do as awake people? We know that voting is just one half step above pointless. We know that our food supply is being destroyed, and we know that Donald Trump is not really the Great White Hope. I am almost certain we have some prayerful folks here, and people who are spiritually preparing for what must surely come to pass. But we cannot do anything if our so called leaders won't listen. We are so regulated that growing our own food is nigh to impossible. And Donald Trump and other supposedly conservative letters more or less just "produce strongly worded letters." So where are the great ideas.

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Howdy Angel,

The 'Answer' to your question is one which you might not want to hear...

Nonetheless...you state that 'growing our own food is nigh unto impossible'...I infer from that that you (likely) reside in a 'Blue' State or Metropolitan area?

I say that because in virtually ANY 'Red' State, growing your own food is simply as normal as can be...presupposing that you're NOT in a Metro area, eh?

In any event, I can state with almost perfect certainty that the LAST place(s) you'd want to weather the coming STORM are any 'Blue' dominated areas OR ANY Metro area, period.

A lot of people can scarce imagine being in 'the Boonies' for a lengthy period, for a HORDE of reasons most of which involve 'convenience' in one fashion or another...or a multitude of venues.

Weaning oneself from 'convenience' is a simple neccessity in order to meet the coming challenge...and you can't accomplish that as a 'Gedanken' (thought exercise) instead that can only be done 'in situ', it is fundamentally 'experiential'.

In truth, I 'know' so little of your specific circumstance as to be wholly ignorant of details - relative to your posted thoughts - but here's an example of 'putting your money where your mouth is'.

I relocated to a remote region in Alaska several years ago. One so FAR out that not even Electricity came in; that stopped some 90 miles away! So, what to do?

Simple, MAKE your own. In truth describing that as simple is a significant departure from the truth, but it can be DONE if you're willing to learn, in-depth. Pressure canning, vacuum sealing and any of the other methids of food storage (long term) are CRITICAL aspects of being 'in the BUSH'...as are a hundred other vital skills.

No, being anywhere even NEAR 'Idiots' is not WHERE you WANT to BE, put simply, "There is no substitute for DISTANCE.'

Most here are either midway through preparing themselves OR nearing the end of thier journey down that road...you have but to ASK and most here will happilly share nearly all they know with you Ma'am, really.

That begins with you - at least minimally - identifying the basic circumstance you exist in, as well as trying to enumerate what skills you DO - or do NOT - possess.

Feel free to ask...many here are HAPPY to help, rest assured.

Be Well, be Safe (Please!) and be Blessed Ma'am,


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Thank you so much for your response, Just One Guy. I just found it, after all this time. Please forgive the oversight. What I actually meant was what to do about making the world situation better, and perhaps working to obtain a bit of delay with regard to the inevitable. I know that I can separate myself from the majority of society, but there are many in my clan who are not amenable to moving with me. Therefore, I remain in order to help them. Yes, I realize that may eventually become a catastrophe, but I feel responsible for these folks. Anyway, I subscribed to your page, and I will try it out. I will pay if I like it. Thanks for your insights.

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Hello Angel,

In truth, the proverbial 'Tipping Point' has already passed us by...and the consequences WILL follow all too soon.

The World has CHOSEN which path - Left or Right - it wanted, need I say which path most people chose? I thought not...

Ma'am...my Father in Heaven would grab my EAR like a Rat Terrier would a RAT if I attempted to BENEFIT from all the wondrous Gifts He has showered me with in my Life, FREELY: I would be ASHAMED - UTTERLY - to not provide for my Fellows - and FELLOWETTES! - in the same open-handed fashion as He has shown me throughout my life...even when I DIDN'T even DESERVE THAT!!

You will - and SHOULD - 'MOVE' solely as the Spirit MOVES you Sister...regardless of what any other yayhoo on EARTH tells you, me included. Should that SPIRIT set upon you and say 'MOVE' then do so, else remain.

I consistently do no more than TRY to share what I know- FREELY - with others in the HOPE that someday, somehow such may be the difference for them between Life and Extinction. That is my Greatest Hope...

Be Well beloved Sister, please be SAFE as you may in the coming Days and BE BLESSED...Pressed down, Heaped up and OVERFLOWING...


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If you spent more time reading God's Word you would already know the GREAT IDEAS 💡!

For this is the Lord’s time of vengeance;

He is going to repay to her what she deserves.

7 Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the Lord,

Intoxicating all the earth.

The nations have drunk of her wine;

Therefore the nations are going insane.

8 Suddenly Babylon has fallen and been broken;

Wail over her!

Bring balm for her pain;

Perhaps she may be healed.

9 We applied healing to Babylon, but she was not healed;

""Abandon her and let’s each go to his own country,"""

For her judgment has reached to heaven. JEREMIAH 51

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I meant leaders, not letters. Don't know why/how I did that...

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(ai) seems to alter or change many words we type/text so we must reread what appears on our screens before sending !

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You insist that you are not a fear mongerer, but what you write clearly seems to negate that.

If you are trying to prophesy, then remember, the prophets always had a message of hope.

Don't forget our hope.

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Did you read the message of hope for Sodom and Gomorrah ? Genesis 19. We have waaay outdone Sodom with our evil gay & trans attack on innocent children and murdering 60 million+ babies.

Wake up , America has rejected hope and God's blessings . It is now cursed. Open your eyes and look around false prophet of false hope.

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You seem to have contradicted your previous comment although I can agree with this one you have ReVised somewhat !

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I revised nothing 'somewhat' . Get off the pot !

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Jeremiah 7:16-34

As for you, do not pray for this people, and do not lift up cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with Me; for I do not hear you. 17 Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The [e]children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings to other gods in order to spite Me. 19 Do they spite Me?” declares the Lord. “Is it not themselves they spite, to [f]their own shame?” 20 Therefore thus says the Lord [g]God, “Behold, My anger and My wrath will be poured out on this place, on man and on beast and on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground; and it will burn and not be quenched.”

21 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, “Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat flesh. 22 For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. 23 But this is [h]what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you.’ 24 Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and [i]went backward and not forward. 25 Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have sent you all My servants the prophets, daily rising early and sending them. 26 Yet they did not listen to Me or incline their ear, but stiffened their neck; they did more evil than their fathers.

27 “You shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you; and you shall call to them, but they will not answer you. 28 You shall say to them, ‘This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the Lord their God or accept correction; [j]truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth. 29 ‘Cut off [k]your hair and cast it away, And take up a lamentation on the bare heights; For the Lord has rejected and forsaken The generation of His wrath.’

30 For the sons of Judah have done that which is evil in My sight,” declares the Lord, “they have set their detestable things in the house which is called by My name, to defile it. 31 They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, and it did not come into My [l]mind.

32 “Therefore, behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when it will no longer be called Topheth, or the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of the Slaughter; for they will bury in Topheth [m]because there is no other place. 33 The dead bodies of this people will be food for the birds of the sky and for the beasts of the earth; and no one will frighten them away. 34 Then I will make to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; for the land will become a ruin.

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✔️✔️✔️✅✅✅✅✅✔️✔️✔️ Jim is in a coma when it comes to knowing the LATENESS of the hour for the nation that expelled God and decided to carve up Israel to His enemies for a false peace.

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He is not a fear mongerer. He speaks the truth and the Truths of God. Some people don't want to hear it, your choice.

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It doesn’t include (should of’s) for aborting what We should have guided to a morally better life Here!

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Running missile drills gathering intel. In reality, these subs are off our coasts all the time. We can track every ship and sub on and in the ocean. The fact this ship status was released (something that happens all the time) now was by the US military and it was on purpose, to add to the fear and dread. They chose now to tell us, so when this all goes down everyone will know who did it and who to blame.

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Remember when the sleeping US Navy detected Russian Sub in the Gulf of Mexico a few years ago ?

"The United States did not see the expected arrival of the Russian naval war flotilla to the Western Hemisphere to be threatening, but the official told Reuters the U.S. Navy will monitor the exercises after it's busy schedule of June LGBTQ+++ Gay Pride celebrations and it's Drag Queen programs for our dear children who unfortunately we did not abort.

Stupid US Navy Admiral tells the enemy China his plans on Taiwan

We are led by blind fools.

The US is responsible for the war in Gaza because of it's phony peace scam and FORCING Israel to retreat from there in 2005, With Muslims,Retreat is a sign of weakness inviting war.

The US is responsible for Hezbollah second Lebanon war by DEMANDING that Israel retreat in 2096 before destroying Hezbollah and setting up the worthless, failed UN Resolution 1701 that was written to keep Hezbollah off Israel's North border and from rearming .

The UN created and $ funded by the US keeps abusing tiny Israel and is silent on Iran's genocide agenda for Israel.


""For this is the Lord’s time of vengeance;

He is going to repay to her what she deserves.

Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the Lord,

Intoxicating all the earth.

The nations have drunk of her wine;

Therefore the nations are going insane.

8 Suddenly Babylon has fallen and been broken; Wail over her!.....

You who live by many waters,

Abundant in treasures,

Your end has come,

The measure of your end.

14 The Lord of armies has sworn by Himself:

“I will certainly fill you with a population like locusts,

And they will cry out with shouts of victory over you.”

Jeremiah 51

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1. It was PM Ariel Sheron's unilateral plan and approved by the Knesset to disengage from Gaza and North Sumeria in Aug 2005. The purpose of the plan was to improve Israel's security and international status in the absence of peace negotiations with the Palestinians because nothing came out of the Oslo Accords. This was done as a strategic move that ended up very badly—under the direction of Sheron the IDF forcibly removed 9000 Israelis from 25 settlements and 4 settlements from Sumeria. In 2007 Hamas went to war to overthrow the Palestinian Fatah govt in Gaza that originally formed a unity Govt.

2. Hezbollah started the 2006 war with Israel. Israel was dominating the war. UN Resolution 1701 was passed in an effort to end the hostilities. The key point here is that all sides agreed to the resolution to stop the war and bring in UN Peacekeepers. The resolution, which was approved by both the Lebanese and Israeli governments to stop the conflict, and freely accepted the peace deal (they could have said no, but they didn't another bad decision by the Israeli govt.. The key here is this war started Iran's deep involvement in the Lebanon conflict and that influence is peaking again today.

3. Jesus cursed Israel by saying I come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive (as their Jewish Messiah). John 5:43. In the Book of Revelation, someone comes claiming to be the Jewish Messiah, Matt 24. Two witnesses speak out against his claim, but due to the signs and wonders and rising from the dead, the world embraces him as their messiah, as Jesus said. To prove this the man of sin kills the two witnesses and sits in the temple and declares himself God. Jesus tells John that they will lie in the streets of Jerusalem spiritually called Sodom and Egypt Rev. 11 again another condemnation for Israel's bad decisions. Mystery Babylon is the final world empire and one of the beasts is the one Israel embraces, what turns out to be the imitation, substitute messiah. The point is except for the true elect Jew and Gentile the whole world has become like Sodom and the whole world has become like Gomorrah and out of God's grace only those whose names who have been written Book of Life from the foundation of the world will be rescued on the last day, even on that day all who call on the Lord will be saved.

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Spot on man!

I have to go to Daniel 11:39 He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price. (divide Israel)? For the purpose of bringing a false peace with the false prince of peace?

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Why do you keeping lying and covering up for the evil Empire. There is plenty of reporting that it was Bush who threatened Sharon to retreat from Gaza or else the US would vote against Israel at the UN. The bully US led phony peace process IS the cause of the Gaza war..

Why are you lying when the LON STANDING agenda of the US is to CARVE UP ISRAEL and create another failed Islamic terrorist state called Palestine in the heart of Israel ?

Are you a paid hack for the evil globalist CFR ?

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I give you documented history and all you can do is slander? I'm not covering for the evil empire, I am making no excuses for them or anyone. I'll say it again, the whole world is the evil empire, the whole world is under the power of the prince, and the power of the air, the God of this world. 2Cor. 4:4 It's all under God's judgment except for the true church in Israel and the gentile church in the world. Read Romans 11.

Speaking of evil UN resolutions, UN Resolution 181 was the evil wicked demonic UN resolution that established the nation of Israel Nov. 29, 1947. Just 6 months later under the Authority given to it by the UN, Israel declared itself a nation, on May 14, 1948, that wicked evil empire of the United States was the first to recognize Israel having the right to be a nation. The British govt. under the Author Balfour Declaration committed to establishing the Nation of Israel. Those evil wicked, demonic Western globalists donated billions to build the majority of Israel's infrastructure. Israel celebrated that by naming the central blvd in the financial district in Tel Aviv, Rothschild Blvd.



This is all setting up what God predicted would happen to Israel in the end times, even the man of sin coming and dividing Israel for a price, sitting on God's throne, and declaring himself God. God predicted this. But praise be to God Salvation comes to Israel through its own root/branch separate from the Gentiles. The Gospel is exploding in Israel now as predicted. You should be rejoicing that what God predicted is coming to pass and Jews are coming to Christ. It's the evil godless Temple Institute and Temple Mount Faithful that are preparing a temple for their Messiah to come. I've talked to one of them, they reject the real Christ and are getting ready for another to come, not in God's name but in his own name, the name of man, and the number of his name 666.

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You documented lies fool no one,and your defense, cover up for of the bully Goliath, Sodom USA against tiny Israel is disgusting.


You are one slick & crafty operator. That's why you will never mention the BUSH INSPIRED and Led "ROAD MAP" the fake peace lie of the evil empire. And why you left out US created UN Resolution 1701 that was an utter failure leading to another war in Lebanon now under way.

It was president Truman that signed off on Israel inspite of his evil anti-Semitic State Dept and evil advisors.

As we all know, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in the name of President Bush has issued orders to Sharon to "ethnically cleanse" Judea and Samaria of Jews after he drives them out of Gush Katif in Gaza. Gush Katif is merely the warm up to get the Israeli Soldiers and Police into a mind-set of "No Pity, No Quarter, No Mercy, No Medical Care" - along with cruelty, arrests without cause, administrative detention and the other usual trappings of a Police State.

Other components of the Second Phase include Bush/Rice virtual silence, although they know that President Mubarak of Egypt has been the facilitator of smuggling tonnage of armaments, explosives and Terrorists into the hands of the Arab Muslim Palestinians. Bush could have stopped it, given that Egypt receives $2.3 Billion American taxpayers' dollars of U.S. aid but, the Bush Family Dynasty chose to allow this massive transfer of funds, military technology and weapons to continue to Egypt.

Now we come to a bunch of "Whys?". So, let's put out a series of unconnected dots and let's connect:

1. Sharon-Peres-Bush want the Jews of YESHA (Judea, Samaria and Gaza) driven out of their homes.

2. They know that the IDF could not do it and probably would not go beyond attacking the small number (9,000) men, women and children in Gush Katif.

3. The Bush Administration has adopted the false philosophy of the Europeans and the Arab League that, it is the conflict between the Jews and Arab Palestinians which is causing Global Terror. Here one finds the fingerprints of an exceedingly hostile pro-Arab U.S. State Department.

I wrote non stop the Bush , US BETRAYAL of Israel in 2005 before God sent Hurricane Katrina to the USA

So don't try and give me your lies as you cover for the treachery of Washington.


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Marcel I find in really sad that you have to be so aggressive in your attack on Daniel. Because in the end it's all in God's hands & if you were a follower Jesus Christ Marcel you would not slander Daniel in this way.

For this type of behavior does not give glory to God 😪

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The truth is, it was the western bankers who funded the building of Israel, commemorated by Rothschild Blvd, in Tel-Aviv. Jesus cursed Israel for rejecting Him as their Messiah and that they would embrace another that comes in His own name the name of man 666. Yes, America will be a key part of Satan's final kingdom, and in the Book of Revelation, Satan sits in the Third Temple and declares Himself god. Thus fulfilling Jesus' prophecy, about embracing another messiah.

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Aborting is your solution for disordered persons in the u.s. ? After that proffered and failed (solution ? ) nothing you say makes a moral bit of sense.

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Maybe the reason it makes no moral sense to you is because you are immoral ?

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You are right Daniel ! These naval craft are always in some capacity just out in international waters !

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I have been hearing about a planned "black swan" event for awhile now. Perhaps this sub is it?

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It could be, my opinion is something will happen before the Nov elections, I really believe somehting is up but we shall wait and see.

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Did you see Bill Gates broke ground on a Nuclear power plant at an old Coal plant in Wyoming? The Mother WEFers want to power their 15 minute cities with Nukes. Before Fukishima, Gates was trying to peddle back yard nukes that would power homes for 100+ years.

Let’s play connect the dots.

1) Biden blows up Phooten’s Nordstream gas pipelines to Germany-EU. This makes the US LNG infrastructure along the GoM valid Phooten targets.

2) Green New Steel war on all hydrocarbon energy.

3) A. I. Energy demands increasing exponentially now.

4) US Navy sonar weapons not only drive marine mammals to beach and die, they also drive sharks inshore to feed to escape the offshore sonar. Cape Canaveral is the shark bite capital of the world. All off a sudden shark bites along the Gom Florida Panhandle where the Gulf defense of GoM hydrocarbon infrastructure defense is based has spiked.

5) Bill Gates opens nuclear power plant in Wyoming where an old Coal plant used to be.


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Stupid as can be ! Coal burns until it burns out , it is the old time (power plant) ! Like the one in Penn. still burning underground for over 100 yrs End War and bring On the New Clean Power without fear of one or the others supremacy’ in power generation and concentrate on sharing Resources Equitably !

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Hydrocarbons interestingly are tiny solar energy batteries. Atheists tried to create life by zapping organics with high voltage. Instead they created heavy oil. That and the discovery of rivers and oceans of hydrocarbons on Titan by NASA blew up the “Pesk Oil” mythology reason for perpetual wars.

Coal to Gas, CTL and Gas to Liquids, GTL create bery clean birning fuels. GTL has less soot than normal jet fuel for instance.

But now we have cleaned up the air, fools like Gates want to spray pollution in the atmosphere to “save us from the sun”, 🍿🍿🍿

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And those of us that do know what is happening....what advantage do we have? Can somebody list the advantages please?

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I'm definitely no fan of Putin's Russia, but there's a presumptive, even arrogant, mainstream notion of American leadership as somehow, unless directly militarily provoked, being morally/ethically above using nuclear weapons internationally.

While Ronald Reagan postulated that “Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong,” who can know what may have historically come to fruition had the U.S. remained the sole possessor of atomic weaponry.

Cannot absolute power corrupt absolutely?

After President Harry S. Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur as commander of the forces warring with North Korea — for the latter’s remarks about using many atomic bombs to promptly end the war — Americans’ approval-rating of the president dropped to 23 percent.

It was a record-breaking low, even lower than the worst approval-rating points of the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson.

Had it not been for the formidable international pressure on Truman (and perhaps his personal morality) to relieve MacArthur as commander, Truman may have eventually succumbed to domestic political pressure to allow MacArthur’s command to continue.

Today, it seems the U.S. still expects the international community to accept that an American presidency would never initiate a nuclear-weapons exchange. But how can that be known for sure, especially with U.S. foreign-policy history?

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The United States did not see the expected arrival of the Russian naval war flotilla to the Western Hemisphere to be threatening, but the official told Reuters the U.S. Navy will monitor the exercises after it's busy schedule of June LGBTQ+++ Gay Pride celebrations and it's Drag Queen programs for our dear children who unfortunately we did not abort.

Stupid US Navy Admiral tells the enemy China his plans on Taiwan

We are led by blind fools.

The US is responsible for the war in Gaza because of it's phony peace scam and FORCING Israel to retreat from there in 2005, With Muslims,Retreat is a sign of weakness inviting war.

The US is responsible for Hezbollah second Lebanon war by DEMANDING that Israel retreat in 2096 before destroying Hezbollah and setting up the worthless, failed UN Resolution 1701 that was written to keep Hezbollah off Israel's North border and from rearming .

The UN created and $ funded by the US keeps abusing tiny Israel and is silent on Iran's genocide agenda for Israel.


""For this is the Lord’s time of vengeance;

He is going to repay to her what she deserves.

Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the Lord,

Intoxicating all the earth.

The nations have drunk of her wine;

Therefore the nations are going insane.

8 Suddenly Babylon has fallen and been broken; Wail over her!.....

You who live by many waters,

Abundant in treasures,

Your end has come,

The measure of your end.

14 The Lord of armies has sworn by Himself:

“I will certainly fill you with a [p]population like locusts,

And they will cry out with shouts of victory over you.”

Jeremiah 51

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